broadband-usage - Home broadband usage meter for SNMP-enabled modem/routers
usage: broadband-usage [options] options: -h - Print this message then exit. -V - Print the version then exit. -M - Print the manpage then exit -W - Print the manpage in html format then exit -R - Print the manpage in nroff format then exit -l /logdir - Override log directory (default: $logdir) -r router - Override router hostname/glob (default: $router) -i # - Override interface number/glob (default: $iface) -o ####-#### - Override off-peak time period (default: none) -g - Report GiB (1024^3 bytes, rather than 1000^3) -u - Include uploads (i.e. outgoing traffic) in total -n - Don't interpolate gaps caused by router reboots -w - Support 64-bit counters (runs more slowly)
This program reports modem/router statistics that have been collected by broadband-usage-log(1). See it's manpage for more details. Reporting is by calendar month, separates peak from off-peak usage, handles modem/router reboots, uptime overflow and byte counter overflow (within reason).
The last second of each month is not counted. If that's a problem, copy the first line of one month's log file onto the end of the previous month's log file:
$ cd /var/log/broadband $ head -1 200601.router.2 >> 200512.router.2
20060122 raf <>